Friday, May 16, 2008

So. I know that it’s been a while.. Sorry! I have no internet at home, so I’m sitting in a Starbucks. In Malaysia. It would be ironic, if it weren’t so sad. Anyhow. I don’t really feel like typing much right now, so this’ll be a picture post, for the most part. Enjoy!

This is just up the street from my apartment, on a street (Jalan) called Bukit Bintang. Bukit Bintang seems to be a hub of tourist and shopping activity.

Milo chocolate bars! In 7-11! There are far more western brands here than I expected. Since having arrived here, I've definitely rekindled my love for Milo. They sell a drink called Milo ice, where they'll make hot hot Milo and pour it over a glass of ice, so that when you get it, the bottom's hot, the top's cold, and it cools and thins out while you eat. So good...

Food's pretty inexpensive here. These two meals together cost around RM 15, which is equivalent to about $5 US. The closer one is called sizzling plate mee with chicken and mushroom (mee refers to the noodles), and the one in the background is basically the same meal, but with rice. Mine, the closer one, is still bubbling, because the iron plate is still hot.

My new love: Roti Canai. (pronounced chanai) Plain, flavorful roti dough fried quickly so it's a bit fluffy and a bit chewy, and served with a side of dahl curry, fish curry, or chicken curry. Each roti costs 80 sen (0.27 US), and the curry is free. (including refills) And yep, that's a milo ice in the background.

LRT / monorail track, pseudo sunset, people, and a taxi.

Somehow, I've never seen this chocolate bar in Jamaica... did I just miss it?

And finally, since I've been waking up at 5:30 am this week, I leave you with a sunrise. Enjoy!


yvonne lee said...

whoa, you describe milo ice like it was the smoothest cheese cake! :) makes me feel like i have been taking it for granted all these years.. booo!

next you'll have to try nes-lo... nescafe + milo. definitely available at said canai shop.. :)

Zana Fauzi said...

Yvonne is right. We've taken iced Milo for granted. We've been worshipped caramel latte like there's no tomorrow. By the way, neslo is our Malaysian mocha.

Glad you like roti canai, it was one of my favorites too. Hope you have a good time here.